Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Its what u want to see..but the truth is what u need to see...

I tried to show you how to be happy..i tried to inpower you.. But u still wont listen... Its so hard not to give u up..i want to so bad.. Do u not see ur nothing but a butt of a sad joke...people make fun of you cause ur fake ...but i dnt care..they say u only use me when u need something ...but i dnt care...they say i let u step all over me...but i dnt care...i tried to show u what u wanted was right in front of you..but u just cant seem to open your eyes...by the time you realize what u had it will be to late... But i hope u knw u cant love someone unless u really know who they are all around not just what u want to see...cause ur not in love with them just the idea of them...notice the difference ...hope you realize if u loved them u would have had the balls to say it years ago...so its not love the thought of who they we're is what u loved! Thats all i have to say...

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