Wednesday, April 21, 2010


so just taking life day by day watching the bumpy road turn into a smooth one once again..
as breath i take i hold every other one in...hoping that a wish would come true..
as in every fairy tail..there's an evil villain ...
well in my story villain is my self ..
i hold my self back,
i choose the wrong..path..
but, the sad thing is i know what i'm doing..
i know better but for some damn reason i love to push the limits..
i love to see how far i can push ..
i was once told that i'm rude,blunt and way to out spoken..
well why not i don't hold to much back what ever i feel or am thinking i'll let you know..
but,there are times i wish i could hold my mouth..
i can see i either scare,offend,or just push u away...

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